Articles of Passing Through, Part One is my auto-biography from birth 1932 through 1971, the end of my fifth Vietnam tour and squadron change of command. Part Two, in progress, will complete PT, 1972-? Although leaving a legacy for descendants was a consideration, my primary purpose in writing PT is to share my spiritual experiences with Jean, who has been very prominently present in my life since my birth and following her death in 1949.

My facilitating narrative device is a 2027 interview by my son Michael, because it was useful to have a “devil’s advocate” and an alternative to one-sided first person narration. Though adding the possibly confusing complication of a fictional story line in a factual memoir was a concern, chapter 2 will hopefully serve to introduce and clarify my strategy.

I attempted “whole truth” recollections, including negative aspects of my history, in the interest of credibility and confession, not justification. Though you will not find “divine inspiration” for some of my actions, I did my best to balance the gray areas of pros and cons in my choices as I saw them. Although Jean influenced my future in many indirect providential ways and regularly communicated with me through unspoken messages, omens, and agreements, she never interfered with my free will in any manner.

For such unique blessings in my life, I have often wondered ‘why me?’, for I am an unworthy sinner who has broken all the Commandments. Now, thankfully surviving at age 87, I have also wondered for what purpose I was saved. I now feel that my ministry is to publicly share my story as encouragement for others to acknowledge the Holy Spirit within us in whatever form Jesus deems appropriate in fulfillment of His promise.

I made an effort to condense PT with simple words and sentences, eliminating

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Passing Through: Exploring the Envelope

Passing Through: Exploring the Envelope The first part of Captain Manny Sousa’s autobiography offers a unique and captivating journey through the life of a distinguished military officer. The first part of Captain Manny Sousa’s autobiography offers a unique and captivating journey through the life of a distinguished military officer. The

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Passing Through Exploring the Envelope, Part One

Passing Through Exploring the Envelope, Part One Passing Through Exploring the Envelope, Part One, is a beautifully rendered memoir about author Captain Manny Sousa, a former naval aviator who was tasked with flying the first carrier-based nuclear bombers in Western Pacific deployments during the remainder of the Cold War. Manny

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Film Hatch Media Serves a Memoir Filled with Wondrous Adventures

Film Hatch Media Serves a Memoir Filled with Wondrous Adventures Film Hatch Media braces a collaboration with Manny Sousa that takes readers into a historical taste of experiences and escapades. California – WEBWIRE – Thursday, March 31, 2022 Film Hatch Media is an established video house company with an excellent

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Media Appearances and Interviews
